Tuesday 6 May 2014

Photo Shoot

Vanessa Kolthof 
This is my friend Vanessa. My mentor Hannah and I did a photo shoot of her yesterday. We went to the bike trail, train tracks, and the lake by our houses to take pictures.

Settings I used:
- 50mm macro lens
- 1/1000 (shutter speed)
- f2.2
- ISO 100

I really like this picture, most especially because I have not done any touch up to the picture. I had a total of 293 pictures on my camera by the end of the photo shoot. I did a lot of test shots, and some of them turned out really good but some didn't.

Hannah taught me some shortcuts that she learnt from her friend with the DSLR camera. Sometimes adjusting your camera settings takes time because there are too many buttons that you have to press. We take our eyes away from the view finder and look at the screen when we adjust the settings, and we miss special moments because we were not ready. So I am going to share some shortcuts that Hannah taught me.

 1. Shutter Speed: scroll main dial. While you are scrolling the main dial and looking at the view finder, you will notice that the shutter speed in your view finder, which is found at the bottom left, changes.

2. Aperture: press the AV button and scroll main dial (do not let go of the AV button while scrolling). The aperture number is found right beside the shutter speed.
 3. Focal Point: press the zoom button and scroll main dial (do not let go of the zoom button while scrolling). While you are doing this, you will notice a red dot in your view finder. That red dot is your focal point, it is like a target. Wherever you decide to put your focal point, that is where your camera will focus on. If all the red dots are blinking that means you are on auto focus.

4. ISO: press ISO button and scroll main dial (do not let go of the ISO button while scrolling). The ISO number is located on the bottom right corner.

- Play with the shutter speed
- If it is really sunny out, use a very low ISO
- If you want to do a photo shoot, plan ahead (including outfits and poses)
- Take as much pictures as you can

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